Beijing streets 2

China: Beijing for Beginners

By Jemima Price “What is that?” Jennie asked me pointing to what looked like vacuum-packed sick in a bag. We were shopping in a small grocery store in Beijing, trying for the life of us to find some kind of food we recognized. We left empty-handed. Arriving in China is…

Neptunes Grotto

Sardinia: Serene in Autumn

Exploring the Limestone Cliffs of Capo Caccia, a small peninsula on Sardinia  By Lucia Byttebier Driving down limestone hills: the sea to my right, ample woodlands to my left. It’s not particularly warm, but I roll down the windows to let the salty scent of the sea and the sun…

Cowboys on the beach in Panama, Central America.

Panama: More Than Just a Hat

By David Rich Love those Panama hats, straw that can be rolled up, stuck in a back pocket and still lasts practically forever while being sat upon. I suspected there might more to Panama than a hat, and for a change I was right. 365 Idyllic Islands My entry into…

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