Vanishing African Wildlife: Last of Their Kind

Titel eng

A Moving Tribute to the Unique Beauty of Endangered African Wildlife

We are currently experiencing the sixth major species extinction in history – every day, about 150 species disappear forever from this planet.

The loss of biodiversity on such an unprecedented scale is even more threatening than climate change because biodiversity is the basis of our existence – without it we cannot survive.

The Bull and the Bird III
The Bull and the Bird.

Joachim Schmeisser has dedicated his second book Last of Their Kind to some of the largest and most wonderful creatures in Africa who have grown particularly close to his heart in the many years of his work: elephant, rhino, giraffe, lion, cheetah, leopard, and mountain gorilla – all utterly fascinating creatures and all of them endangered.

Tano Bora Band of Brothers
Tano Bora Band of jaguar Brothers

These are intimate portraits of the beauty of creation and its transience.

Last of Their Kind is an homage and warning at the same time – a visual message with the aim of sharpening our clouded view of the one, infinitely complex, and vulnerable nature and to recognize which treasures we are about to irretrievably lose.

Giant Black Rhino Bull
Giant Black Rhino Bull
Giraffe Couple
Giraffe couple
Double Trouble
Double Trouble
Elephant Herd in Storm wildlife
Elephant Herd in Storm
Black Beard
Black Beard


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Jogi Schmeisser

Born in Germany in 1958, Joachim Schmeisser started his career as a professional photographer in the early eighties. He is best known for his exceptionally intimate and touching portraits of the most endangered species in Africa.

In 2009 he started his major photographic series in East Africa – his iconic portraiture of the Orphan Elephants at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya. In 2012, Joachim Schmeisser was awarded the prestigious Hasselblad Master award for his series on African Wildlife.

His intention is to show the beauty and uniqueness of our planet and to increase sensitivity for a topic that concerns us all. He lives and works in Munich.

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