Incredible Views of La Ciotat and Cassis, France

Cassis, Provence France.
Cassis, Provence France. Max Hartshorne photos.

Cassis and La Ciotat, Provence France. Two Sparkling Harborside Towns

La Ciotat and Cassis will have you wanting more– from its realistic gritty-edge, craggy calanques, to its pristine beaches and lovely seaside resorts. These magnificent Provence cities are located close to each other and are best visited in summer.

Cassis is all about its huge harbor, full of the original Provencal fishing boats and pleasure boats. They don’t get the crush of superyachts that converge on St Tropez. The long arc of the harbor is packed with clothing boutiques, bars, and restaurants and it’s a top people watching down. The beach is also inviting, people rent kayaks and head out to paddle near the towering calanques, huge rock formations that were once quarried for limestone.

La Ciotat is about 12 kilometers down the road south, it’s smaller but also all about the big round harbor. Across the water, you can see a giant shipyard where a super yacht is being completed. Find out more about these two unique places in Provence, Cassis and La Ciotat.

Fountains in Cassis.
Fountains in Cassis.
Harborside Cassis
Harborside Cassis
The Calanques, in Cassis.
The Calanques, in Cassis.
Superyachts are built at this seaside shipyard in La Ciotat, Provence.
Superyachts are built at this seaside shipyard in La Ciotat, Provence.
Lunch is the big meal in Provence, France. Mary Gilman enjoys a day by the sea. Max Hartshorne photos.
Lunch is the big meal in Provence, France. Mary Gilman enjoys a day by the sea. Max Hartshorne photos.
City Hall, La Ciotat, France.
City Hall, La Ciotat, France.
The Calanques, Cassis France.
The Calanques, Cassis France.
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