Andrea Kaucká and René Bauer

Travelers, photographers, and adventurers, Andrea and Rene both publish articles in the Czech Republic and abroad, both connected by their love of exploring new places, offroad and adventure, fishing, and good food. They are knowledgeable about Africa and bring a big enthusiasm and love for different cultures, nature, wildlife, adventure, and offroad travel. To plan and prepare a new expedition is what gives us energy and makes us feel alive! They say, "We have worked as expedition guides in Africa and every year take travelers with us to discover, explore, and experience the beauties of this magical continent."

henna finished

Sudan: A Canvas of Skin

Henna Rituals with Coffee By Rene Bauer and Andrea Kaucka I sit on the wooden bed under a huge fig tree. Around me the whole village has gathered. The women sing, on the table in front of me is a jug of “jjebennah” spreading its aromatic smell and I am…

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